Saturday, June 27, 2015

Practicum Palliative Care Workshop

Stress reduction techniques through the creative arts were introduced to staff working in the area of end of life decisions. The intention for the workshop was to introduce the basics of  zen tangle which was demonstrated and understood by all participants as zen garden music from Pandora on the internet was played through the speakers in the ceiling.Also for review were other methods to induce relaxation such as a table top labyrinth and mandala's . Shown above are examples of zen tangle and mandalas using a variety of coloring implements. It seems that recently the adult coloring books have also grown in popularity, a version of coloring which consist of greater detail in the drawings requiring skilled hand eye coordination but the outcome usually involves improved concentration and coping. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Practicum Age Well Workshop 2

Gratitude Cards made today .  

Key statement by a 91 year old man was" I am grateful I

have two  feet on the floor".

Practicum Self Care

A 12"x12" acrylic painting of an arrangement of Lavender which is used for stress reduction as an essential oil. 

The painting is now hanging on my bathroom wall.

Prayer Flags

The making of prayer flags is an on  going project in the Oncology Workshop.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Practicum Workshop 3 Collage and 4 Affirmation cards

Using a deck of playing cards participants created affirmation cards for swapping . Each card was created with a mixed media technique on the face side of the card and a affirmation text on the back of the card. The photo represents the only participant who was willing to swap.The others wanted to keep their own work of art, of course any thing goes when it comes to making art with the elders. 

Practicum Children's Annual Summer Art Exhibit at Baptist South

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Practicum Age Well Silk Painting Workshop 1 for Staff

Here is an example of a finished project done by staff member in the silk painting workshop. The hand painted handkerchief was added to a floral arrangement for a extra touch to welcome visitors at her reception office desk. It truly enhances  her assemblage and makes for a good conversation piece.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Workshop for the Age Well Staff

Object: To paint on silk in a free form organic flow, (left photo) Two  handkerchiefs folded and placed in a plastic bag curing with a Salt application and one handkerchief laying flat on the table.

Purpose: To introduce another way of caring for the caregivers.

Outcome: De-stressed employees. Music and non-threatening art interventions can go a long way ...pass it on.



Practicum Baptist Health

 Say Hello to Eleanor my Trusty Art Cart.

 The Label in the front reads" The Care Cart" and on the side it reads Eleanor . My cart is named Eleanor as it was purchased for me by a previous patient named Eleanor.

The patient story that honors Eleanor is most special to me.  I talked with this patient for a considerable length of time regarding her medical diagnosis, mental withdrawal from treatment and desire to give up fighting for her life. Subsequently, according to the patient and her husband that conversation caused her to make a direct turn around in how she viewed her illness and changed her outlook completely. The reason this is a special story is that neither I nor she remembers exactly what was said that made such a difference. As a woman of faith, I believe divine intervention was the catalysis, which only reinforces more profoundly that nursing is a spiritual calling.